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「同心村」成全港首個過渡性房屋榮膺優質建築大獎(Chinese Only)
由福利協會營運的元朗東頭過渡性房屋項目「同心村」,再次榮獲建築界的矚目獎項—2024年度優質建築大獎。該獎項自2002年創立以來,一直是建築界的權威獎項,旨在表彰在設計、技術和可持續發展方面均表現卓越的建築項目。「同心村」是政、商、民三方合作的成果,由新鴻基地產發展有限公司以$1象徵式租金借出土地;政府除撥款資助興建費外,更積極協調各部門加快程序,房屋政策亦隨著營運情況「拆牆鬆綁」;福利協會則負責項目營運。項目秉承「以人為本」的設計理念,結合環保技術應用和多元化的社會服務,獲得了評審團的高度評價,最終奪得臨時建築物類別的最高榮譽,成為全港首個獲此獎項的過渡性房屋目。   設計以人為本 結合環保與創新 「同心村」採用「組裝合成建築法」(MiC),在確保工程質量和效率的同時,減少對環境的影響。項目由八座四層高的住宅大樓組成,建築外觀設計簡約和諧,營造出溫馨舒適的居住環境。在建設過程中,「同心村」積極加入環保技術,村內不但設有雨水收集系統、節能照明設備等環保設施,還安裝了太陽能板為公共設施提供可再生能源,實現可持續發展。   打造宜居社區 為居民締造安穩的「家」 「同心村」不僅提供舒適居住環境,還配備多項社區設施,包括綜合社會服務大樓、便利店、自助洗衣閣、社區廚房、社企速剪店、大廣場、社區園圃和環保回收站等設施,為居民的日常生活和休閒需求提供支援。村內更精心設計不同休憩空間,包括健身房、兒童樂園、派對房間、休閒咖啡室,促進鄰里互動與娛樂,營造歸屬感。   「同心村」更引入福利協會首創的「八大康健指標」,針對科技應用、健康意識、情緒管理等方面提供支援,幫助居民建立正向生活模式,促進身心靈健康。自投入服務以來,不少居民表示在「同心村」建立了安穩的「家」,生命得以轉化,甚至主動成為義工,盡己所能回饋社區。   福利協會總幹事劉冼靜儀女士表示:「此次獲獎是對「同心村」團隊不懈努力的肯定,在此衷心感謝福利協會各單位在項目發展過程中提供的種種支援,以及聖公會堂、校、社服三方的緊密協作。當中更有賴政府、新鴻基地產、承建商及則師的支持及參與,我們將繼續秉承「以人為本」的理念,積極回應社會需求,精益求精,為居民提供更優質的服務,並為推動社會福祉貢獻力量。」
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Childcare Services
Four Child Care Service Units of the Welfare Council Become WHO International Safe Schools
Four child care service units of the Council, namely, the St. Nicholas' Nursery School, the St. Simon's Leung King Nursery School, the St. Simon's Tai Hing Nursery School and the St. Thomas' Child Care Centre, have been accredited as International Safe Schools (2012-2017) by the Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC) and are designated as members of International Safe Schools Network of the WHO. The certificates were presented by Mr Conrad Wong Tin Cheung, JP, Chairman of the OSHC, in the "Forum of Occupational Health Award and Presentation Ceremony" on 29th February 2012.   The Council’s Tung Chung Nursery School has already been declared the first International Safe School in Hong Kong in 2009. Therefore, the Council has a total of five child care service units gaining this accreditation so far.   The Council has been actively supporting the WHO's concept of the "Safe Community".  A "Safe Community" is a community where people can live, work and play safely and healthily. "Safe Community" is an integrated approach to occupational safety and health promotion in Hong Kong to develop a safety culture in community level.     The objective of the International Safe Schools Program, under the framework of the WHO's Safe Community initiative, is to apply the best practices of proven injury prevention programs to protect the safety and health of teachers, staff, students and visitors in school environment.  Supported by the Council's resources on occupational safety and health and through the health and safety management system, its nursery schools, complemented by its special characteristics in terms of service and environment, has provided its pupils and teachers with a healthy, harmonious, and pleasant place for study and work.
mr cheung with an elderly aged 103
Elderly Services
The Secretary for Labour and Welfare celebrates Lunar New Year with elderly residents
The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, visited Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Home of Loving Care for the Elderly and joined their celebration for the year of Dragon to share the joy of the Lunar New Year with about 100 elderly residents.   During the visit, Mr Cheung sang joyous New Year songs with the elderly residents and presented mandarins to them. He also expressed Lunar New Year greetings to two residents aged 103 and 100 and wished them good health and happiness. There were staff dressed up as the God of Wealth, various new year games and dance performed by the residents. At the end of the visit, the Assistant Director of the Council, Ms Chow Mee Tim and the resident committee members presented a red packets lantern made to Mr Cheung.   After the celebration activities, Mr Cheung exchanged views on elderly service with the Assistant Director and Service Director of the Council, Ms Chow Mee Tim and Ms Melissa Luk and toured the elderly home to find out their service and the challenges they encountered during operation. He appreciated their effort on providing qualitative service based on the elderly needs and also utilizing the resources wisely on the community medical and health care project which benefited the elderly who are waiting for the places in residential care homes a lot.
Child & Youth Services
The 21st Outstanding Social Workers Award 2012
Coming soon...
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Rehabilitation Services
PGR has done the "Longitudinal Study of Body-Mind-Spirit Well-being of Rehabilitation Service Staff "
Coming soon...
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Elderly Services
Positive Life Elderly Suicide Prevention Project Launched New Programme
Coming soon...

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