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「童升.同樂」幼稚園升小一適應託管服務 在反覆的疫情下順利推展 (Chinese only)
Transitional Housing Projects
青年領袖為基層住屋建言獻策 福利協會分享推行社會房屋經驗(Chinese only)
根據「劏房」租務管制研究工作小組報告(2021年3月),目前香港約有23萬人居住於不適切處所,例如:劏房或廠廈等;而劏房面積少於13平方米的佔總數六成三,平均每名住客生活面積僅為 6.6 平方米。生活於如此狹小的空間,如何可以得到改善?
走進社區 聆聽心聲
二十多位參加者於活動當日到訪劏房家庭,他們對於住戶面對的困難與挑戰,都有不同體會。他們在論壇的小組討論提出了不同的意見和感受,有的表示要親身走進社區才更能明白街坊的實際所需,建議由地區組織牽頭,讓社會上較有資源的人士或機構多了解基層家庭需要,促進連繫及互動 ; 有的表示劏房環境差,燈光暗、有石屎剝落,明白到家庭因電腦設備不足,令家長和孩子苦惱和增添無力感;亦有參加者對於劏房戶的水、電費並非跟從水務處和電力公司的收費標準,倡議作出管制,以減輕劏房戶的壓力。
Elderly Services
彩齡學院參與黃金時代展覽 樂齡科技及新興興趣活動獲業界認同(Chinese only)
為配合大會「iCan 自主無限 躍動彩齡」的大會主題,彩齡學院特設興趣活動及樂齡科技展位,參觀人士可即場參與學院舉辦的工作坊,體驗心靈花茶製作、桌上運動「Kururin」和競技疊杯及新興運動「劍球」等特色活動,又可試玩由福利協會研發、針對改善膝痛的人工智能應用程式「雙膝掌門人」,相關程式由協會的跨專業團隊共同設計,希望透過遊戲形式提升長者持續在家運動的興趣和動機,同時亦可定期監測長者運動的成效。
Transitional Housing Projects
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council and Sun Hung Kai Properties Host the Blessing & Groundbreaking Ceremony of the United Court Transitional Housing Project Chief Executive officiates at ceremony; project to house 1,800 families in need mid
The United Court Transitional Housing project, which will soon be developed and run by the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council, held a groundbreaking ceremony today (16 June). The ceremony was officiated by Chief Executive Mrs Carrie Lam; the Most Revd Andrew Chan, Archbishop and Primate of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, gave his blessings for the project’s commencement.
Dr Donald Li, Chairman of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Board of Directors, thanked Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) for leasing land for the development for a minimum of eight years at a nominal HK$1, adding that low-income families can move to the development when the project is completed mid-2022. “Making this groundbreaking ceremony happen in such a short time was only possible,” he said, “with the support of the Transport and Housing Bureau and other government departments; Sun Hung Kai Properties; the New Territories Heung Yee Kuk; the Shap Pat Heung Rural Committee; the Yuen Long District Council; CLP Power Hong Kong Limited; The Parcville, among other organisations and individuals.” Li went on to thank SHKP’s enthusiastic support for the project: in addition to assisting the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council with the project’s initial planning and site formation, SHKP will also render assistance during the construction stage.
Mr Raymond Kwok, SHKP Chairman & Managing Director, said “SHKP has been developing landmark properties in Yuen Long for more than four decades and have a deep connection with the Yuen Long community. It gives us great pleasure to lease this quality plot of land to help address the short-term housing needs of low-income families. United Court will provide 1,800 flats, benefiting 5,000 families or 10,000 people.”
Mr Kwok also said, “Yet aside from building transitional housing, we also need to meet society’s long-term housing needs, and it is vital for both the public and private sectors to give full play to their respective strengths to increase land and housing supply.”
Guests who officiated at the groundbreaking ceremony alongside the Chief Executive included the Most Revd Andrew Chan, Dr Donald Li, Mr Raymond Kwok, Secretary for Transport and Housing Mr Frank Chan, Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties-Kwoks’ Foundation Mr Thomas Kwok, Sun Hung Kai Properties Executive Director Mr Adam Kwok, New Territories Heung Yee Kuk Chairman Mr Kenneth Lau, and Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Director Dr Jane Lee.
Other guests included legislative council members Mr Tommy Cheung, Mr Michael Tien and Mr Vincent Cheng; heads of various government departments, including Under Secretary for Transport and Housing Dr Raymond So, Commissioner of Police Mr Chris Tang, Director of Fire Services Mr Joseph Leung, Director of Drainage Services Ms Alice Pang, Deputy Director-General of the Social Work Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong S.A.R. Mr Zhou He; and other members of the community, including about a dozen people who wish to move in to United Court.
Funding from the Transport and Housing Bureau
The Transport and Housing Bureau donated some HK$10 billion to the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council to develop the United Court Transitional Housing project, which will be overseen by the bureau. With a buildable floor area of around 420,000 sq. ft., the Kau Hui Road development is adjacent to Sha Pui Tsuen in Yuen Long. United Court will be built using modular integrated construction technology and will comprise eight residential zones, four-storey buildings and 1,800 units for one-, two-, three-, and four to five-person barrier-free units that range from 147 to 340 sq. ft. The project is expected to benefit some 5,000 underprivileged families in total.
Integrated Services for a Harmonious Community
United Court will have communal kitchens, children’s play areas, recreational areas and various themed activity zones to foster interactions among residents and create a harmonious living environment. United Court will also come with a community centre that offers integrated services, such as childcare, parental education, nursing consultation and counselling. The centre will also create opportunities for residents to engage in social activities, as well as employment opportunities. The aerial view model of the development, as well as the models of its architecture and the layout of its units were revealed at the groundbreaking ceremony.
Design Thinking that Addresses Accommodation Needs
With the needs of future residents and their sense of belonging in mind, United Court’s units will feature design thinking and person-centred elements. The project team had organised an experiential event that invited over a hundred of qualified users to test a live-sized model unit and share their opinions. Their suggestions, which included the direction of doors, space required for shoe cabinets, washing machine setups and the inclusion of Wi-Fi routers, have been incorporated in the design of United Court units.
Well-Being Index to Help Improve Residents’ Confidence
United Court prioritises the wellbeing of residents and will be the first transitional housing initiative to introduce Well-Being Index. Based on its residents’ needs for technological applications, health awareness, emotional management, spiritual fulfilment, social participation, environmental protection, financial management and occupational counselling, United Court will provide residents with relevant support to encourage them to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and develop good self-esteem.
Learn more about the project in this video:
Welfare Council News
深切悼念社會福利署副署長林嘉泰先生主懷安息(Chinese only)
本會執行委員會及全會同工,以不捨之情深切哀悼回歸天父懷抱的社會福利署副署長林嘉泰先生。嘉泰關懷弱小,為社會福利工作 鞠躬盡瘁 ,是非政府機構的好伙伴,也是業界與政府的好橋樑。他細心聆聽業內的意見,切實回應業界的需要,他的離逝令人深感婉惜。
Welfare Council News
福利協會2019至2020年度年會圓滿舉行 (Chinese only)
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