
Our Services Childcare Services

Nurturing joyful, confident, amiable and healthy children in the love of Christ
Child Care Centre Nursery School Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions Jockey Club Bright Start Project

Service Overview


The Welfare Council operates two aided standalone Child Care Centres, providing care for infants and toddlers aged 0 to 3 years, with a total of 162 full-day spots available. In addition to regular care, our centres offer occasional child care services and extended hours to accommodate the diverse needs of parents and children.


Guided by Christian faith and values, our dedicated teams are committed to the vision of "nurturing joyful, confident, amiable and healthy children in the love of Christ". They strive to balance education and care to address the developmental needs of infants and toddlers. Our "Exploratory Learning Curriculum" fosters comprehensive development in morality, intellect, physical health, social skills, aesthetics, and spirituality, while promoting positive living habits.


Baby dorm in Sham Shui Po Child Care Centre


Curriculum Philosophy - Inspiration • Exploration • EduCare (IEEC)

We inspire the  potential of infants and toddlers through a variety of  exploratory activities, helping them discover and embrace their unique personality, developmental needs, and learning habits. By valuing children's interests and experiences, we connect learning with daily life, and provide high-quality educational programmes and care.

Service Overview


The Welfare Council and St. Simon's Social Services operate 6 nursery schools, catering to children aged 2 to 6 years old, offering a total of 596 full-day spots. Our nursery schools also provide occasional childcare services, extended hours, and the services of Social Welfare Department's "Integrated Programme in Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre" to support the needs of parents and children.


Our service teams, guided by Christian faith and values, are dedicated to the vision of "nurturing joyful, confident, amiable and healthy children in the love of Christ". We focus on developing a curriculum that aligns with the unique characteristics and developmental needs of children, prioritizing character development and emphasizing an inquiry-based learning approach.


Curriculum Philosophy - Inspiration • Exploration • EduCare (IEEC)

We inspire the  potential of infants and toddlers through a variety of  exploratory activities, helping them discover and embrace their unique personality, developmental needs, and learning habits. By valuing children's interests and experiences, we connect learning with daily life, and provide high-quality educational programmes and care.

Service Overview

「愛.孩子」- 學前單位社工服務提供家長支援

Kids in Love - Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions is subvented by the Social Welfare Department. Since February 2019  , The Pilot Scheme provides preventive, developmental and therapeutic social work services for children and their family in pre-primary institutions, to cultivate a caring environment for children to grow healthily and happily. 


Scope of Service

  1. To provide professional counselling and referral services for the children and family
  2. To organize parent education groups and talks
  3. To organize activities to facilitate harmonious family relationship and children nurturance
  4. To provide professional consultations to pre-primary institutions’ personnel and parents
  5. To deliver crisis intervention support for cases in need



  1. Adopting early identification and intervention on children with family, learning, social, emotional and behavioural needs and difficulties
  2. Establishing a close co-working relationship with family and pre-primary institutions to foster the healthy development of children
  3. Conducting professional assessment to provide adequate crisis intervention support
  4. Coordinating community resources and connect professionals to provide adequate services
  5. Providing emergency support on non-stationing school days


Quarterly E-newsletter Haai4 Tung4 (Chinese only)

In order to allow parents to receive latest service updates, the Pilot Scheme has introduced the quarterly E-newsletter, the “Companion”, to accompany and support parents and children in the journey of growth. The “Companion” will be released on the 15th of  January, April, July and October. 


Haai4 Tung4 YouTube Channel

  • For Parents
  • For Teachers 

Service Overview


Now in its second year, the Jockey Club Bright Start Project, funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, is managed by an interdisciplinary team of experts who, through their “Discovery Curriculum”; training for “educarers”; workshops for parents; public seminars on subjects such as treating common illnesses and accidents in nursery schools; and the creation of an e-platform, work to optimise the operations of child care centres.


Guided by the Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education, the team works with the Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA), which helps monitor the centres’ environment and facilities, and employs ITIERS to observe and explore different ways to enhance child care services.

Service Feedback

聖多馬幼兒中心家長關太:「除了日常的起居照顧外,老師還讓孩子學習群體生活,啟發他們的認知和自理能力。以往學校按單元教學,學習內容的延展性有限。現在實行五天主題教學,學習內容和活動會豐富和深刻一點。好像囝囝會回家跟我說聖經故事,又說自己是大哥哥,原來他在Helpful Tuesday幫忙餵奶和照顧小寶寶呢!」

Service Feedback




Service Feedback


Recent Publications

香港聖公會聖多馬幼兒中心 - 11月家長通訊
香港聖公會聖多馬幼兒中心 - 11月家長通訊 (Chinese only)
香港聖公會深水埗幼兒中心 - 單張 (Chinese only)
香港聖公會深水埗幼兒中心 - 海報 (Chinese only)

Recent Publications

Screenshot 2025-01-15 151407
電子季刊《偕同》第42期 : 危機四處?親子知多啲 (Chinese only)
幼兒遊戲冊 (Chinese Only)
電子季刊《偕同》第41期 : 教與愛並重.心理專題 (Chinese Only)
電子季刊《偕同》第40期 : 疏忽·沒注意?(Chinese only)
電子季刊《偕同》第39期 : 身心靈專題- 放鬆心情 關愛自己 (Chinese only)
《偕同》第38期 : 教養專題(執行功能-反應抑制篇)(Chinese only)
《偕同》第37期 : 教養專題(執行功能-情緒篇)(Chinese only)
家長管教自助秘笈 (Chinese only)
家長自助工具箱:就學適應卡 - 協助N班及K1幼兒入學適應 (Chinese only)

Recent Videos

(Chinese only)【開學啦】嬰幼兒的成長樂園 - 香港聖公會深水埗幼兒中心

初到人世的嬰幼兒對新事物充滿好奇心,一個可以滿足他們發展、學習、探索需要,又可以令爸媽安心的環境。佔地6,000呎的香港聖公會深水埗幼兒中心 正式投入服務!中心秉持「嬰幼兒為本、教顧合一」的理念,設有完善的照顧設備和多元學習環境,為每位嬰幼兒提供安全、舒適和充滿愛的成長環境,陪伴他們度過1,000日成長旅程。

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聖尼哥拉幼兒學校 | 特色教學令孩子愉快學習主動求知學習 (Chinese Only)

【我係藝術家】香港聖公會聖西門西貢幼兒學校《童創.童看·童玩·童學》作品展 (Chinese Only)

香港聖公會聖西門西貢幼兒學校於2022年5月13日至15日在香港視覺藝術中心舉辦《童創.童看·童玩·童學》作品展,展出N班至K3小朋友超過300份作品,希望向大眾傳遞小朋友「我都做得到」的自信! 小朋友以想像、觀察和思考創作出的作品,可以見到他們真摯的情感、獨特個性和故事。 

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Recent Videos

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1. 情緒管理
2. 專注力
3. 時間管理
4. 規劃及組織能力



「偕同教養系列分級資源套(K3)」情緒管理篇 (Chinese Only)

1. 情緒管理
2. 專注力
3. 時間管理
4. 規劃及組織能力



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Recent Videos

Jockey Club Bright Start Project

Service Units & Projects

Kowloon New Territories Islands
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Sham Shui Po Child Care Centre

Providing daycare services to infantsH.K.S.K.H Sham Shui Po Child Care Centre adopts the concept of “Child-Centered and Educare” to cultivate the health and balanced growth of children. Through multidisciplinary teamwork and home-school collaboration, infants and young children can grow in love.  We emphasize qualification and professional standard of the teachers. All of our teachers are “registered child care workers” recognized by the Government. They are committed to cultivate all-round development of infants and young children.

The centre provides daycare, extended hours and occasional child care service. We accept applications all year round.  For details, please refer to the promotional leaflet.



We value the development of infants and young children and adopt the “Discovery Curriculum” with emphasis on the following four strategies:

  • Provide sensory stimulation and promote brain development through “Multi-sensory Approach”
  • Respond to the needs of children and build a trustful relationship with sense of security by “Responsive Approach”
  • Establish a close relationship with infants and young children via the “Interaction Approach”
  • Arouse learning motivation through “Play-based Approach”


Enrollment Information

Service Users: Newborn to 3 years old

Free registration throughout the year:

  • Pregnant mothers please submit the completed Application form and a queue number will be assigned for waitlisting the service placement.
  • Application form (download): Please return the completed form to correspondence address “Portion of First Floor, Treasury Building, 3 Tonkin Street West, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon”


baby dorm

Sensory room

baby care room


music area


free play area




Portion of First Floor,

Treasury Building, 3 Tonkin Street West,

Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon

Telephone:  2435 4435
Email:  sspccc@skhwc.org.hk




Service Hours:



Daycare Service:

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.;

Sat: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.


Extended Hours Service:

Mon-Fri: 6p.m. – 8 p.m.;

Sat: 1p.m. – 3 p.m.


Occasional Child Care Service:

Mon-Fri: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.;

Sat: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.


*Closed on Sundays, Public holidays & Recoginised school holidays

Application Form:



H.K.S.K.H. St. Thomas' Child Care Centre

Infants enjoying activities at H.K.S.K.H. St. Thomas' Child Care Centre Service users

Infants aged 0 to 3




Curriculum Features: The "FANTASTIC 5" programme, combined with the "Exploratory Learning Curriculum," stimulates infants and toddlers' senses and promotes brain development.

  1. GREEN Monday: Focuses on vegetarian meals, using natural foods for oral motor training, and exploring various fruits and vegetables through the five senses.
  2. HELPFUL Tuesday: Large groups and N classes visit different groups to assist in caring for the younger infants; parents can participate in the "Parent Star Accompany You" program, helping teachers in the classroom and fostering a spirit of care.
  3. FRIENDLY Wednesday: Features "Harmony Day" activities where large groups and N classes share breakfast together and engage in mixed-group games.
  4. RELIGIOUS Thursday: Throughout the day, songs are played, and in the morning, Bible lessons are conducted, including storytelling, games, and crafts for children to participate in, creating a religious atmosphere.
  5. RELAXING Friday: Large groups and N classes participate in outdoor activities, such as obstacle courses and relaxation games.


Address Room 101-108, G/F, Block 21,
Shek Kip Mei Estate,
Shamshuipo, Kowloon
Tel 2778 4473
Fax 2779 8188
Email stdc@skhwc.org.hk
Website http://www.stccc.edu.hk
Operating hours

Mondays to Fridays : 8:00am to 6:00pm

Saturdays : 8:00am to 1:00pm

Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and school holidays

Application Form for Full-time Education/Service

Download version

Online version



  1. Pregnant mothers can submit their completed enrollment forms to the centre and wait to be assigned a queue number;
  2. Once completed, the enrollment form can be returned to the centre without supplementary documents;
  3. The centre will assign queue numbers to the enrollment forms in the order which they were received;
  4. Parents may call 3 working days after submitting the form to confirm that the form has reached the centre and to find out the queue numbers they have been allotted;
  5. Staff will notify parents and follow up on the enrollment process should there be any vacancies.
Kids in Love - Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions (Kowloon City)

愛孩子 - 學前單位社工服務舉辦小組活動

Service Highlights

  • Provide stationing school social work services in S.K.H. kindergartens with the support of S.K.H. churches and schools.


  • Provide  professional case counseling service for pre-primary children, parents and caregivers with welfare needs.


  • Organise developmental, supportive, educational and theraeutic groups and programs.


  • Provide professional consultation services to Pre-primary Institutions and work closely with them to offer timely support to the children and families.


  • Provide services to various stakeholders through online and offline platforms.



Parents may contact school social worker directly or as referred by school personnel.



Shop Nos. 7A & 7B,

Upper Ground Floor,

18 Farm Road,

Kowloon City

Tel 2111 2055
Fax 3621 0075
Email kidilove@skhwc.org.hk
Operating hours    Monday to Wednesday: 9:00am to 5:30pm
Thursday: 9:00am to 6:00pm
Friday: 9:00am to 5:30pm

Saturday: 9:00am to 1:00pm

Closed on Sundays and public holidays


H.K.S.K.H. Kei Oi Nursery School

香港聖公會基愛幼兒學校學生表達美術作品的創作意念Service users  

Children aged 2 to 6





Unit 103-116 & 118,

G/F, Lai Kuk House, Lai Kok Estate,

Shamshuipo, Kowloon

Tel 2729 7991
Fax 2708 9298
Email kodn@skhwc.org.hk
Website http://www.kons.edu.hk




Operating hours

Mondays to Fridays : 8:00am to 6:00pm

Saturdays : 8:00am to 1:00pm

Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and school holidays



  1. Children who have reached 18 months of age may apply to get on the waiting list;
  2. The enrolment form can be downloaded or obtained from the school office;
  3. Submission:Submit the form in person (Fridays, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.) or by post. Submission by fax and by email will NOT be accepted. The following items are required to be submitted along with the application form:
  • Copy of Birth Certificate x1
  • Recent photo of the child must be attached on the application form
  • Self-addressed stamped envelopes x3
Kids in Love - Social Work Service for Pre-primary Institutions (Tuen Mun)

Service Highlights愛孩子 - 學前單位社工服務舉辦親子藝術活動

  • Provide stationing school social work service for the Pre-primary Institution in Tuen Mun.


  • Provide  professional case counseling service for pre-primary children, parents and caregivers with welfare needs.


  • Organise developmental, supportive, educational and theraeutic groups and programs.


  • Provide professional consultation services to Pre-primary Institutions and work closely with them to offer timely support to the children and families.


  • Provide services to various stakeholders through online and offline platforms.



Parents may contact school social worker directly or as referred by school personnel.



Unit 18, 26/F, Tuen Mun Parklane Square

2 Tuen Hee Road

Tuen Mun

Tel 3594 6633
Fax 3996 7623
Email kidilove@skhwc.org.hk
Operating hours   

Monday to Wednesday: 9:00am to 5:30pm

Thursday: 9:00am to 6:00pm

Friday: 9:00am to 5:30pm

Saturday: 9:00am to 1:00pm

Closed on Sundays and public holidays


H.K.S.K.H. Ha Sui Wan Nursery School

香港聖公會夏瑞芸幼兒學校長幼共融活動Service users

Children aged 2 to 6





G/F, 4 Tin Lung Road, Tin Shui Wai,

Yuen Long, New Territories

Tel 2446 9220
Fax 2446 4801
Email hswdn@skhwc.org.hk
Website http://www.hswns.edu.hk


Operating hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00am to 6:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am to 1:00pm

Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and school holidays



  1. Children who have reached 18 months of age may apply to get on the waiting list;
  2. The enrolment form can be downloaded or obtained from the school office;
  3. Submission:Submit the form in person, by post or placing it into the collection box at the school entrance. Submission by fax and by email will NOT be accepted

The follow items are required to be submitted along with the application form:

  • Birth Certificate x 1
  • Recent photo of the child must be attached on the application form
  • Self-addressed stamped envelopes x2
H.K.S.K.H. St. Simon's Sai Kung Nursery School

H.K.S.K.H. St. Simon's Sai Kung Nursery School art activitiesService users

Children aged 2 to 6





DD215, Tan Cheung Village,

Sai Kung, New Territories

Tel 2792 0047
Fax 2791 7885
Email sssk@skhwc.org.hk
Website http://www.sssk.edu.hk




Operating hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00am to 6:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am to 1:00pm

Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and school holidays



  1. Children who have reached 18 months of age may apply to get on the waiting list;
  2. The enrolment form can be downloaded or obtained from the school office;
  3. Submission:The application form can be submitted in person, by post or by placing it into the collection box at the school entrance. Submission by fax or email will NOT be accepted.The following items are required to be submitted along with the application form:
  • Birth Certificate x 1;
  • Recent photo of the child must be attached on the application form; and
  • Self-addressed stamped envelope x 2
H.K.S.K.H. St. Simon's Leung King Nursery School

H.K.S.K.H. St. Simon's Leung King Nursery School outdoor activities

H.K.S.K.H. St. Simon's Leung King Nursery School was established in 1988 and is located in Leung King Estate, Tuen Mun. It provides full-day education and care services for children aged 2 to 6, accompanying children's growth across different generations.


Service users

Children aged 2 to 6





No. 9-16, G/F, Leung Chi House,

Leung King Estate,

Tuen Mun, New Territories

Tel 2464 6939
Fax 2462 6794
Email sslk@skhwc.org.hk
Website http://www.sslk.edu.hk


Operating hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00am to 6:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am to 1:00pm

Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and school holidays



  1. Children who have reached 12 months of age may apply to get on the waiting list;
  2. The enrolment form can be downloaded or obtained from the school office;
  3. Submission:Submit the form in person, by post or placing it into the collection box at the school entrance. Submission by fax and by email will NOT be accepted.

The follow items are required to be submitted along with the application form:

  • Birth Certificate x1
  • Recent photo of the child must be attached on the application form, and
  • Self-addressed stamped envelopes x2
H.K.S.K.H. St. Simon's Tai Hing Nursery School

H.K.S.K.H. St. Simon's Tai Hing Nursery SchoolService users

Children aged 2 to 6





G/F, Phase I, Commercial Complex,

Tai Hing Estate,

Tuen Mun, New Territories

Tel 2462 3856
Fax 2462 4467
Email ssth@skhwc.org.hk
Website http://www.ssth.edu.hk




Operating hours

Monday to Friday: 8:00am to 6:00pm

Saturday: 8:00am to 1:00pm

Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and school holidays



  1. Children who have reached 2 years of age may apply to get on the waiting list;
  2. The enrolment form can be downloaded or obtained from the school office;
  3. Submission:Submit the form in person, by post or by placing it into the collection box at the school entrance. [Submission by fax and by email will NOT be accepted]. The following items are required to be submitted along with the application form:
  • A copy of Birth Certificate;
  • Recent photo of the child must be attached on the application form; and
  • 2 self-addressed stamped envelopes
H.K.S.K.H. Tung Chung Nursery School

H.K.S.K.H. Tung Chung Nursery SchoolService users    

Children aged 2 to 6





Shop 301, 3/F, Fu Tung Plaza, Fu Tung Estate,

Tung Chung, Lantau Island

Tel 2109 0118
Fax 2109 1279
Email tcdn@skhwc.org.hk
Website http://www.tcns.edu.hk


Operating hours 

Mondays to Fridays : 8:00am to 6:00pm
Saturdays : 8:00am – 1:00pm
Closed on Sundays, public holidays, and school holidays



  1. Children who have reached 18 months of age may apply to get on the waiting list;
  2. The enrolment form can be downloaded or obtained from the school office;
  3. Submit the form in person, by post or placing it into the collection box at the school entrance. Submission by fax and by email will NOT be accepted.

The follow items are required to be submitted along with the application form:

  • Birth Certificate x1
  • Recent photo of the child must be attached on the application form, and
  • Self-addressed stamped envelopes x 4

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