Our Services Hospice Care Services

H.K.S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Church Hospice and Bereavement Service Paraclete Care and Comfort Angel JCECC: “Hospice in Family” Home Care Support Services JCECC: End-of Life Care in Residential Care Home for the Elderly Project (Kowloon West) Jockey Club Community Support Project for Children with Medical Complexity DeathFest

Service Overview


Established in 2004, the H.K.S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Church Hospice and Bereavement Service provides bereavement support services, "Paraclete – Care and Comfort Angel" Services, the JCECC—"Hospice in Family" Home Care Support Services, JCECC: End-of Life Care in Residential Care Home for the Elderly Project (Kowloon East), the Jockey Club Community Paediatric Palliative Care Programme , the Funeral Fund and the HBSD Life-and-Death Education Promotion Plan. The service teams promote end-of-life services across Hong Kong to provide grieving families; terminally ill patients and their families; and caregivers with comprehensive and pertinent support, counselling and care. The teams also organise art activities, disseminates information, and offer training to raise public awareness of life and death education.

Service Overview


Established on April 1, 2004, our service has assisted over 4,800 bereaved families or individuals, aiming to alleviate their grief and aid in rebuilding their lives. Sponsored by the Sze Wing Keung Foundation, Li Ji Shun Foundation, and Wong Cheuk Shu Charitable Fund until August 31, 2024.


Our services cater to bereaved family members from diverse backgrounds in Hong Kong, regardless of age, location, religion, or ethnicity. We offer the following:


Funeral Consultation and Bereavement Companionship

Our staff assess and assist in handling post-death matters, while trained volunteers accompany bereaved individuals throughout the funeral process, including body arrangements, vigil, funeral procession, cremation, and paperwork.


Peer Emotional Support

Trained volunteers provide emotional support through phone calls, visits, and regular gatherings, helping bereaved individuals establish support networks and transition through the mourning period together.


Professional Grief Counseling

Registered social workers or counselors offer specialized grief counseling services, including assessment, consultation, counseling, and referrals, to help bereaved individuals cope with their grief and adapt to their new lives.


Volunteer Training and Development

We conduct regular training courses on emotional support, end-of-life care, funeral procedures, and personal preparedness. Volunteer gatherings foster learning, communication, and mutual support among our dedicated volunteers.


Referral form (Chinese only)

Service leaflet

Service Overview


Established in January 2016 and generously funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, our service aims to maintain the dignity of terminally ill patients by providing appropriate care in the comfort of their homes. We also strive to raise awareness about home-based end-of-life care and promote a positive attitude towards death.


Our services focus on patients in the Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, and Tin Shui Wai areas. They include:


  1. Home-based palliative care and relief services
    Our social workers conduct assessments and offer ongoing support, including psychological counseling, spiritual care, wish fulfillment activities, and rebuilding social connections. Registered nurses provide nursing follow-up and health consultations.

  2. Patient and family support groups
    We establish support groups to enhance social interactions, facilitate positive communication, and reduce stress, enhancing the quality of life for patients and their families.

  3. Public education
    We promote understanding of the needs of terminally ill patients in various aspects of life. We also educate the public on caregiving and communication skills when dealing with terminally ill patients, while fostering a positive attitude towards death.

  4. Volunteer training and services
    We recruit and train volunteers to provide emotional support, practical assistance, and spiritual care. Our staff assist volunteers in managing the challenges and emotions involved in their service.



Service leaflet (Chinese only)

Service Overview


The Jockey Club Palliative Care in Care Homes Program, launched in 2016, supports participating care homes in providing end-of-life care services. The program promotes palliative education and comprehensive care for residents in their late stages of life.


In October 2023, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council established a specialized team for the Palliative Care in Care Homes service in Kowloon West district. The team serves 16 government-subsidized elderly care homes until December 31, 2025.


Who we serve:

Residents, families, and staff of the 16 elderly homes in Kowloon West district.


What we provide:
Palliative education, collaboration with care and medical facilities, caregiver support, and ongoing training and promotion.


Palliative Education Service

Provides lectures and activities to introduce end-of-life planning concepts, disease progression, and care skills.


Collaboration with Care and Medical Facilities

Registered nurses and social workers assess residents' needs, collaborate with care homes and hospitals, and provide follow-up care, consultations, and emotional support.


Caregiver Support

Offers information, encourages communication, and provides bereavement support for families and caregivers.


Training and Promotion

Provides guidance, consultation, and training on end-of-life care for staff involved in the program.


Application: Referral through participating care homes.

Service Overview


Jockey Club Community Support Project for Children with Medical Complexity aims to provide holistic care for children and adolescents aged 0-20 with critical illnesses or complex medical conditions, as well as their family members. The program aims to offer appropriate care and support during the process of dealing with illness and bereavement, with the vision of creating hope and happiness for every sick child and caregiver.

Who we serve:
  • Children and adolescents aged 0-20 with critical illnesses or complex medical conditions, their families, caregivers
  • Social service organizations, schools, volunteers, and the general public
What we provide:

Palliative Care for children

Emotional and social support

Nursing consultation

Rehabilitation referral

Home support

Establishment of advanced care plans

Wish fulfillment activities

Volunteer services

Family/caregiver support

Support groups

End-of-life services

Bereavement counseling

Therapeutic Groups

Life and death education

Professional training

Public education


Service model:

"CREATE" forms the foundation of the "Friends of the Rainbow" service model, incorporating six principles:


Collaboration Working together with family and stakeholders
Reconnection Helping children and caregivers reconnect with society
Enjoyment Finding joy in difficult circumstances
Advanced Care Planning Promoting advanced care plans and preparing for death
Transformation Transforming grief and facing difficulties and challenges positively
Exploration Exploring infinite possibilities within limitations

Service Overview


The "DeathFest" program for life and death education, rooted in the "Life and Death Blueprint," aims to equip the public and professionals with knowledge, skills, and a sense of capability in the realms of "good life, good death, peaceful passing, and compassionate parting." Through systematic educational activities and professional training, they strive to cultivate a compassionate community.


Our goals:

  • To raise public awareness about death and bereavement
  • To assist the elderly, patients, and their families in preparing for death
  • To provide comprehensive training to professionals supporting terminally ill patients and bereaved families.


The program covers four main categories: "good life," "good death," "peaceful passing," and "compassionate parting," offering courses at different levels to accommodate diverse backgrounds.


Key program topics:

  • Grief relief and understanding emotional support (D1), counseling methods (D2), and organizing and transforming keepsakes (D3)
  • Preparation for the later stages of life: introduction to advanced care planning, advance medical directives, and the Three Treasures of Peace (C1-3)
  • Delivering life and death education to specific groups such as children, intellectually disabled individuals, etc.
  • On-site visits to funeral venues and reflection on life and death (B4)
  • Exploring life and death through artistic forms and writing life stories (A4, A5, B3, B11)


To promote a positive mindset regarding end-of-life, grief, and life and death topics, the division collaborates with other organizations to host lectures, workshops, and field trips. These activities explore themes such as life education, field investigations, and an introduction to funeral knowledge in Hong Kong.

Service Feedback

失胎媽媽產後身體虛弱,若要同時承受喪親之痛,難免會出現強烈的情緒反應,但為人丈夫的又怕重提傷心事會帶來二次傷害,只好收起安慰說話,因此「Wings of Love永續愛」的團隊希望透過輔導工作,疏導案主的情緒,使夫妻之間重新連結。「我和太太早已為孩子添置新衣物。整理遺物時,林姑娘提議我們挑選其中一些衣服和玩具與寶寶作伴,並鼓勵我倆坦然道出各自的傷痛、不捨和愛。」這個抒發過程令陳生和太太更加了解彼此的感受,有助撫平內心哀傷。

Service Feedback

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Service Units & Projects

Kowloon New Territories
"PARACLETE– Care and Comfort Angels" Project
The Jockey Club Community Paediatric Palliative Care Programme
JCECC: End-of Life Care in Residential Care Home for the Elderly Project (Kowloon East)
The JCECC—"Hospice in Family" Home Care Support Services

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