Welfare Council News
Premiere cum Sharing Session for a TV Drama Series “Life Companion: Night”
Having served the community for 50 years, the Welfare Council had many moving stories shared between its employees and service users. Inspired by these stories, a six-episode television series, "Life Companion", which is based on real-life cases and captures the professionalism of social workers, was jointly produced by the Council and the Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK). The premiere was held at a cinema on 18th April, 2016 and an audience of two hundred friends of the Welfare Council came to enjoy the screening. Organisers also hosted a sharing session on how to help young people cope with adversities. The session included sharing by the case subject and social workers, and discussions among the case subject, social workers, director, actors and audiences about how teenagers could deal with stress.
Families and Integrated Services
Inauguration ceremony for mentors of “Sky Strikers” – a Child Development Fund Project
The Tung Chung Integrated Services inaugurated mentors of “Sky Strikers” – a Child Development Fund Project on 19th March 2016. Invited as officiating guests were Miss Annie Tam, GBS, JP, Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare and Mr Robert Shum, Independent Director of the Welfare Council Board of Directors. Dr Jane Lee, JP, Director of the Welfare Council and about 120 mentors and participants of the scheme were also present to show their support. “Sky Strikers” was a three-year project that served children and young people aged 10 to 16 by providing them with mentorship services, including establishing and enacting their personal development goals, establishing social networks and realising their dreams, from 50 individuals from various fields. After the inauguration ceremony, participants turned their attention to the carnival organised by the centre, where fun and games designed by some of the mentors and mentees attracted over 1,000 community members in a fun-filled atmosphere.
Elderly Services
Chinese only.
Other Services
Hong Kong’s First Missing Persons Mobile Application—"Act of Love ‧ Trace Me”
With its person-centred service focus, the Welfare Council understands the worries and needs of individuals with loved ones who have gone missing. Thus, the Council created Hong Kong’s first mobile application—"Act of Love ‧ Trace Me” that uses the power of social media and online platform to mobilise voluntary search teams to help trace missing persons. "Act of Love ‧ Trace Me” was made possible by the sponsorship and design of cherrypicks, and was launched on 11th December, 2015. Friends and relatives of missing persons may submit details on their lost loved ones to the app for other registered users to access as they join the trace. Users may also share the information through social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp to increase the chances of finding missing persons.
How to download:
Go to http://actoflove.hkskh.org/appinst.html. Choose "iOS" or "Android" and download.
Go to "App Store" in smart phoes using iOS or "Play Store" in Android smart phones. Search "心意行動‧尋人網" and download.
Scan the QR code below:
Medical & Wellness Services
福利協會新研製 色香味形俱全糊膳 ─「懷錫料理」(Chinese only)
調查顯示,有四至七成的中風患者均有不同程度的吞嚥障礙,影響他們進食和營養吸收,更有機會引致窒息意外,俗稱「落錯隔」,嚴重會引致吸入性肺炎或導致死亡;為減低患者的意外風險及幫助營養吸收,醫療團隊會為患者進行吞嚥評估,為不同能力的患者製定不同軟硬度的糊餐;福利協會團隊一直求新求變,最新研製色、香、味、形俱全的糊膳 - 「懷錫料理」,大大提升患者的健康水平和復康進程。
Welfare Council News
Welfare Council 50th Anniversary Cocktail Reception
To celebrate the Welfare Council's golden jubilee, a cocktail reception was hosted on 15th December, 2015 at the Conrad Hong Kong to announce the momentous occasion with friends across various sectors. Mr Matthew Cheung, GBM, GBS, JP, then Secretary for Labour and Welfare, officiated the event alongside Council representatives, with a lighting ceremony to symbolise the Council’s progression in serving the masses in the many years to come. Dr Jane Lee, JP, Director of the Welfare Council, also recapitulated the Council’s key service milestones over the past 50 years and shared her views on the future development of the organisation.
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