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向服務使用者及同工提供新冠肺炎網上診症服務(Chinese only)
「中銀-浸大中醫社區中風預防及康復計劃」由即日起,向協會屬下單位確診同工及服務使用者提供免費中醫諮詢及診症服務,名額200人,額滿即止。有需要的同工及服務使用者,須於確診首3日內提出申請,同工可直接填寫附圖二維碼內的Google form;服務使用者則須經社工轉介,並由社工代為提交申請。   浸大中醫師收到申請表後,會於3個工作天內透過WhatsApp視像電話聯絡申請人,經問診後,求診者會透過快遞收到5天份量的中藥顆粒沖劑,以紓緩病情。  
Transitional Housing Projects
運輸及房屋局長陳帆視察社區隔離設施「同心村」的建築工程進度(Chinese only))
香港聖公會福利協會和新鴻基地產與香港齊心抗疫,全面支持政府政策,將「同心村」由過渡性房屋暫時轉為社區隔離設施,以配合即將舉行的全民檢測的急切需要。在運輸及房屋局的協助、新鴻基地產技術的支援和承建商協興的動員下,整個項目得以火速前進,將落成日期提前了兩個多月。   今日(3月4日)下午運輸及房屋局長陳帆在新鴻基地產執行董事郭基煇及香港聖公會福利協會副總幹事文孔義的陪同下,到訪「同心村」並視察「同心村」用作社區隔離設施的建築工程進度。   陳帆局長十分滿意工程進度,並特別感謝香港聖公會福利協會、新鴻基地產及協興的配合,令工程進度加快,完工日期由原來預計的5月提早至3月中下旬,讓項目可盡早交出予政府使用,使能提供隔離設施以滿足需要。即將落成的「同心村」共有1800 個單位,單位內設有足夠空間、冷氣機和獨立洗手間等,十分合適用作隔離設施。
Transitional Housing Projects
United Court transitional housing project to be temporarily used as community isolation facilities
In view of the severe epidemic situation in Hong Kong and the huge demand for isolation facilities, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited will shoulder her civic responsibility and fully cooperate with the government’s policies to make use of the units of United Court transitional housing project as temporary community isolation facilities. 1,800 units will be provided to relieve the community's urgent need for isolation and treatment facilities.   The details will be announced after further discussion between the Welfare Council and the Transport and Housing Bureau.
Transitional Housing Projects
香港聖公會福利協會歡迎運輸及房屋局獲撥款增建17000個過渡性房屋單位(Chinese only)
今日(2月23日)財政司司長宣讀預算案時,提到已有足夠土地提供17,000個過渡性房屋單位,香港聖公會福利協會對政策表示歡迎。   政府近年積極推展過渡性房屋,福利協會認為此政策有效紓緩正輪候公屋家庭和其他居住環境惡劣人士的住屋壓力。   由本福利協會負責營運、新鴻基地產以1元租借土地及運房局撥款興建的「同心村」元朗東頭過渡性房屋項目將於本年6月入伙,屆時將提供1,800個單位,舒緩這些基層家庭的住屋需要。項目能順利進行,全賴政府、商界、承建商及地區團體等多方齊心協力。尤其是運房局不但提供建築費,更在非牟利機構申辦過程中給予各方面意見,且有效協調相關政府部門,使申辦和審批程序均迅速進行。福利協會藉此感謝運房局和相關政府部門同事的努力外,也感謝新鴻基地產、承建商及各團體對此項目的支持。
Fundraising Events
「好施捨的,必得豐裕 ; 滋潤人的,必得滋潤。」(箴言11:25) 愛心利是捐助基層SEN學童(Chinese only)
農曆新年將至,大家想過如何善用「利是錢」嗎? 今年香港聖公會福利協會推出「新春‧童心‧奉獻」捐款計劃,希望大家將新春期間收到的利是錢捐出部份予基層及有特殊學習需要(SEN)的兒童,把新春的祝福送給他們,也令利是變得更有意義。   讓他愉快地學習 新春伊始,萬象更新,祝願大家新一年步步高陞,然而一些有特殊學習需要的小朋友,他們成長的每一步,所付出的努力總是比其他小朋友更要多;就好像子博及子朗(化名)這對有特殊學習需要的小兄弟,他們十分喜歡學習,但每次認讀字詞或者組織句子去表達想法時,就要花費更多力氣。   弟弟子博今年5歲,就讀幼稚園低班(K2),他的媽媽留意到子博表達能力弱,難以複述上課內容,也無法講出自己的想法,影響了學習和社交。媽媽想幫助他又無從入手,每次教子博說話時,她總覺事倍功半,十分氣餒。為協助子博解決學習困難,子博媽媽希望盡快獲政府資助接受評估,但她發現最快也要輪候約一年,而坊間私人機構所提供的評估服務收費高昂,對於一般基層家庭而言實在難以應付。幸好,子博最終趕及在幼稚園階段接受評估,並於福利協會的服務單位下接受治療。經過訓練後,子博語言能力有所改善,成績進步之外,更重要是他比從前更熱愛學習,可以快樂地享受課堂生活。   「童」心微笑基金填補服務空隙 弟弟子博比較幸運,他能把握「黃金治療期」,即學前教育期間內接受治療及訓練;但哥哥子朗由於個性文靜,家人及幼稚園老師未能及早察覺他在學習上的困難,延至升小後,才發現子朗的學習能力不及同齡學童,他漸漸無法追上進度,有時甚至抗拒上課,令媽媽非常擔心。   子朗輪候了15個月後才獲政府資助的評估服務,結果顯示他有學習遲緩問題,但目前社會福利署只為6歲以下的特殊學習需要學童提供各項早期介入訓練,而子朗完成評估後早已超齡,加上所讀小學給予的家長支援不足,令媽媽感到求助無門,心情沮喪。可幸的是,福利協會「童」心微笑基金為他提供資助,令子朗獲得免費的基本訓練,成功改善專注力及讀寫能力。   把愛心分給有特殊學習需要的孩童 父母照顧子女無微不至,要養育有特殊學習需要孩童,父母需要加倍付出,就如子博及子朗的媽媽,她盡力為兩孩子尋找合適的學習方法,以爭取更佳的發展,無奈因經濟條件所限,令她屢受制肘。其實,有特殊學習需要的學童同樣有無限潛能,只要及時獲得適切的訓練及治療,定能慢慢進步,展現才能。   「童」心微笑基金正致力幫助一些未能受惠於正規服務的基層兒童,讓他們及早接受特殊學習需要的評估及訓練,而「新春‧童心‧奉獻」捐款計劃所籌得的善款,將撥捐「童」心微笑基金,支援一群有特殊學習需要的小朋友,讓他們儘快得到評估、專業治療及輔導服務;此外,善款亦會用作支援基層兒童。   你的心意可以為他們帶來祝福,讓孩子茁壯成長。「施比受更為有福」,希望你用愛心,在新一年為孩子帶來美好的開始,按此進入捐款平台。  
Transitional Housing Projects
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Sun Hung Kai Properties Large-scale transitional housing project "United Court" in Tung Tau, Yuen Long to be ready for occupancy in June this year Applications open from 24 January
The "United Court" transitional housing project in Tung Tau, Yuen Long, will be open for application from 24 January (following Monday) to 23 February 2022 (Wednesday). Single persons or families who have been waiting for public rental housing for at least three years and are in imminent need of housing are eligible to apply. The Welfare Council expects to meet with applicants in early March and announce the ballot results on 26 March. Successful applicants are expected to start move-in in June this year. Interested parties can download the application form from the website uc.skhwc.org.hk and apply online, by email, post, or in-person with the required documents.   Various household types to meet the needs of different people Located at Tung Tau, Yuen Long, the "United Court" project is one of the largest transitional housing projects in Hong Kong, with a total of 1,800 units in eight 4-storey blocks built using the Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) method. The units range from 1-person, 2-person, 3-person, 4-5-person and barrier-free units, with over half being 2-person and 3-person units. Flat sizes range from about 130 sq ft to 324 sq ft, and the monthly accommodation allowances range from $2,370 to $4,950, which is below market rent and not more than 40% of the prevailing Public Rental Housing income limits. The period of occupancy is two years. If the tenant has special reasons or exceptional hardship and genuine need after the expiry of their tenancy, the Welfare Council will try, as far as possible, to accommodate them until the first allocation of public housing. The project is expected to operate until 2028 and will benefit around 5,000 families over the tenancy period.   Transport and amenities The "United Court" is conveniently located within a 10-minute walk from the entrance of the estate to the West Rail Yuen Long Station, and there are minibus and bus stops adjacent to the estate to facilitate commuting between Yuen Long town centre, Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories and the outlying islands. A wet market, a large shopping centre, primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and recreational facilities are all available in the estate's vicinity, making it convenient for residents to live, go to school and work.   Jane Lee, Director of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council, said, "The smooth progress of the development of the United Court is attributable to the concerted efforts of the Government, the business sector and the community. The overall planning of the project makes good use of public space. It is complemented by the provision of social services so that both soft and physical aspects of infrastructure can be used to improve the housing environment of the tenants and cater for their physical, mental and spiritual needs while at the same time helping them to build up a mutual support network. The Welfare Council hopes that the project will help people on the waiting list for public housing and the underprivileged to live with greater peace of mind in the New Year".   Adam Kwok, Executive Director of Sun Hung Kai Properties, said, "SHKP recognises the community's strong demand for housing and is committed to making the best use of our resources to improve the living conditions of grassroots families, in the hope that Hong Kong will soon be free of sub-divided flats. Thanks to the support and cooperation of all parties involved, the United Court will be ready for occupancy two and a half years after its announcement. We sincerely hope that the United Court will become a warm transit point for grassroots families and help them meet their short-term housing needs".   The project's success is due to the concerted efforts of the Welfare Council, Sun Hung Kai Properties and the Transport and Housing Bureau. Sun Hung Kai Properties leased a 200,000-square-foot site at Tung Tau, Yuen Long to the Welfare Council in early 2020 at a nominal rent of one dollar for the construction of the "United Court". The Transport and Housing Bureau is responsible for monitoring and allocating nearly HK$1 billion to the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council for the construction of the "United Court" and provides policy support for the project. The Welfare Council is responsible for the design, operation, and management of the "United Court" and the provision of various people-oriented community services to the residents.   To learn more about the project: https://www.skhwc.org.hk/en/strategic_initiatives/transitional-housing/  

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