
Strategic Initiatives Foundation and Supportive Projects

Sheng Kung Hui Stroke Rehabilitation Charity Fund Act of Love Funeral Fund

Service Overview


Many stroke patients do not have the chance to access timely and effective rehabilitative services in the first three to six months (optimal period for rehabilitation) immediately after stroke to relieve them of permanent and debilitating damage.


Stroke survivors greatly benefit from intensive rehabilitation that begins in the optimal period. In view of limited public resources and hefty medical fees, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited has established the Sheng Kung Hui Stroke Rehabilitation Charity Fund in 2015, which allows stroke patients not affordable to high fees to undergo prompt rehabilitative treatment so that they can get back on their feet as soon as possible.


Your gift will provide successful applicants of the Sheng Kung Hui Stroke Rehabilitation Charity Fund with

  • 3 to 6 months of in/out-patient stroke rehabilitation services provided by the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council. Each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis after assessment.
  • Stroke rehabilitation services  mean a personalised rehabilitation plan, including
    • Robotic arm training
    • Western medicine
    • Speech therapy
    • Sensory therapy
    • Occupational therapy
    • Physiotherapy
    • Nutrition counselling
    • Training for caregivers
    • Counselling for patients and family members/caregivers


Click here to download the Application Form

Enquiry : 2637 1088 (H.K.S.K.H. Cyril and Amy Cheung Aged Care Complex)

Service Overview


In 2009, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui set up “Act of Love” following the 2008 global financial crisis to help families and individuals hit with soaring unemployment and wage cuts. Reaching out to the community through a counselling hotline manned by trained “Act of Love” contributors, the Province brought brief respite to bearers of burden. 


What began as the Sheng Kung Hui’s effort to tackle the challenges the global financial crisis brought upon its community and beyond is now a mission to help disadvantaged families cope with sudden setbacks. “Act of Love” continues to expand its emergency support services against an ever-widening wealth gap and changing times, actively grooming contributors to deliver love and care to those who need it most. Looking forward, “Act of Love” will be making cash grants, food assistance and rehabilitation services more widely available to persons who are not eligible for social assistance in spite of their pressing needs.



  • Emergency assistance – cash grants, rehabilitation services, food assistance
  • Professional support – counselling, social services
  • Pastoral support – pastoral and spiritual care

… and more.


Join our “Act of Love” today as it grows and transforms lives.


Enquiry hotline: 8209 8122


Service Overview


With the support of the Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation, the Holy Carpenter Church Hospice and Bereavement Service Division established the Funeral Fund in 2022. It aims to provide one-stop funeral support services for low-income and impoverished bereaved individuals and families who are not recipients of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA). Services include subsidies for basic funeral arrangements and short-term grief and emotional support. Thanks to ongoing support, the Funeral Fund has received a grant from the Simon K.Y. Lee Foundation until June 2026. This continued funding will allow more grassroots bereaved families in need to receive assistance with funeral arrangements and support through their bereavement.


Who We Serve:
Hong Kong residents who are unable to afford funeral expenses for their deceased loved ones due to poverty.


Eligibility Criteria (All of the following conditions must be met):

  1. The deceased was not a recipient of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance.
  2. The applicant is a CSSA recipient or a low-income individual eligible for CSSA.
  3. The applicant and co-resident family members must undergo and meet income and asset assessments.

  4. The applicant and co-resident family members are unable to work or have difficulty entering the workforce in the short term.


Assistance Provided:

  1. Arrangement of a licensed undertaker by The Funeral Fund.

  2. Provision of basic funeral services for the deceased at the hospital or public mortuary, including subsequent ash handling.

3. Provision of short-term grief and emotional support services.


Downloads (Chinese only):

Case Referral Form

The Funeral Fund leaflet

A list of subsidized funeral arrangement items

Service Feedback


Service Feedback

"Losing our home was devastating. I thought I was alone, but I never expected so many people would help, many of whom I had never met."

Typhoon Saola destroyed Mun's family's rooftop home, leaving them with nothing. The Welfare Council's Kowloon City Family Support Networking Team provided crucial support during this difficult time, helping them find temporary shelter and mobilizing community assistance through their network. The team also facilitated Mun's application for transitional housing and emergency funds from Project "Act of Love," enabling her family to rebuild their home and regain a sense of stability and belonging.
When her husband fell ill and required surgery, our employee Lai Xing Ying struggled to make ends meet. Act of Love stepped in to provide her family with emergency financial assistance. Expressing her gratitude, she says "It was with Act of Love that we were able to cope with the cost of the procedure and overcome this difficult period."


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The Funeral Fund

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