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【成長試錯實驗室】從實踐中成長 社工陪年輕人一起「試錯」

Child & Youth Services
Video Description

Gordon, a Form 4 student, once felt lost and anxious after repeating a year at school, with no clear direction in life. His turning point came when the Centre’s (H.K.S.K.H. St. Matthias’ Integrated Services – Jockey Club Youth Express) social worker, Ball Chan, encouraged him to join the 21C Jockey Club Charities Trust. He gained great experiences in the process of drafting proposals, preparing presentations, and practicing public speaking with teammates. Unfortunately, their team did not make it to the final round.


“After the competition ended, the team cried in the room, and Gordon cried the hardest.” Ball still remembers Gordon’s disappointment, but also recognized the leadership qualities Gordon displayed throughout the process. Ball was always by Gordon’s side. “He’s like a father, always believing in you. As long as you’re willing to try, he will support you.” Gordon said with gratitude.


“It’s not easy to be brave enough to try something new. We advocate for a ‘trial and error’ culture to remove the pressure from young people, helping them face future challenges with confidence.” Ball Chan, Unit-in-charge.

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