Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council Limited
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About Us
Established in 1966, the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council has been providing multi-faceted services to individuals across all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds.
Their Stories

Stroke Rehabilitation Charity Fund Gathers Love to Help Youth Return to the Field
At 13 years old, Hao should have been sweating it out on the field, but a sudden stroke changed the course of his life. "My fate is in my own hands," he declared, determined to fight against the illness. With his strong will and the support of the SKH Stroke Rehabilitation Charity Fund, he received professional rehabilitation therapy at the Cyril and Amy Cheung Aged Care Complex. Seizing the "golden rehabilitation period," he is working hard to restore his physical abilities and is on the path back to the sports field.
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年度回顧 2024 | 感謝您與福利協會同心同行 為需要幫助的社群帶來希望和改變 (Chinese only)
2024年,感謝您一直與福利協會同心同行。 過去一年,福利協會除了積極配合特區政府施政,亦繼續走入社群,聆聽需要,在扶貧工作、青年發展、安老服務以及基層醫療等方面持續創新。我們衷心感謝企業伙伴不同方式的支持、聖公會堂校社服的協作,以及各界善長對慈善獎券2024籌款活動的鼎力支持,讓我們可以提升服務質素,為更多有需要人士和家庭提供適切服務。
「同心同行 繼往開來」,是我們未來工作的動力。2025年,福利協會期盼繼續發掘社會上更多資源,連結各界,凝聚社區力量,攜手提升服務質素,共同建設關愛共融社會。
合作查詢: ep@skhwc.org.hk
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